A BookTube is like YouTube for readers. BookTube Personalities are best known for their book hauls, book reviews, bookshelf tours, weird tag videos, discussion videos, and MORE!!
Famous BookTubers?
Well, I don't know that many, but my favorite is, PolandbananasBOOKS.
Some that I heard that is a BookTuber includes:
There is more, but these are just the people I heard. After, you read this post, please definitely check out PolandbananasBOOKS, and other BookTubers I just listed.
Things I LOVE about Christine, AKA PolandbananasBOOKS:
- She is so hilarious
- She is so good at telling you about what the plot of the book is about. (She makes it very easy to understand, and she makes the book sound really interesting.
- She is good at doing accents.
- Her videos are worth watching!!!
Some videos I enjoyed in her channel: